Monday, July 21, 2014

Turquoise Milk Glass + Carlo Moretti + Moose Swizzle Sticks = A Successful Week

Had another pretty fun week of road tripping and searching. Here are some of my finds: 
Am I the only one who is in LOVE with turquoise milk glass? Got this  at my first estate sale of the week, along with the cabbage jar below.

I can't resist Jadeite when I come across it in the wild.

These Carlo Moretti glasses are probably my favorite find of the week, they're just such a stunning shade of red.
Found some Pyrex (AT A THRIFT STORE!), tried to do some rehab.. it sort of worked.

I lied.. Maybe this biscuit jar is my favorite score of the week because it was FREE. The lady gave it to me because of the damage to the bottom. It's just so beautiful, I happily took it home and will definitely enjoy it.

Don't worry, I bought this Copco spice rack from the previous sale to make up for the free jar. I've been looking for one of these spice racks for a while and picked this one out the garage. Took some cleaning up, but I just love the honey comb shape.

Bought a huge thing of vintage swizzle sticks and these were in the mix.  

This platter was too fun to leave behind made in Sweden by Upsala Ekeby, the mod flower pattern really drew me in.

I'm not sure I could love treasure hunting more and thanks for looking at my finds. I'm linking with Melissa's Antiques + A Living Space +


  1. OOO jadeite and pyrex! Love! Thanks for sharing @ TTF!

  2. im in lust with the turquoise milk glass its stunning

  3. WOW! You are one lucky thrifter! I love your turquoise milk glass, obviously the bowl and those red glasses :D

    1. Some days I am, some days I'm not so lucky. :)

  4. Thanks for coming to THRIFTASAURUS this week!

    I've only seen Jadeite in a thrift once. It didn't even settle on the shelf, it was literally still moving after the worker put it down when I picked it up, but I broke it when it was in my basket! I was devastated LOL. Love sizzles! I just saw they had vintage mermaids and monkeys that hung off the rim off the glass.

    1. Oh I would have been upset too! I've only ever found jadeite mugs once at a thrift and it was pretty late in the day. Otherwise I've stood outside of estate sales for it… haha, I'm one of THOSE people.

  5. i've just scored my first jadeite bowl the other day - they are so pretty! love those moose cocktail sticks and the Upsala ekeby platter is pretty special too.

    1. AWESOME SCORE! I love jadeite too, but I decided I really should't start collecting anything new, so I usually re-sell it when I find it. :)

