Friday, June 20, 2014

May Have Spent My Thrift Budget by Thursday This Week

The thrifts were kind of bare this week, I did find this adorable little glass mouse.

And I found this pillow case, which was just too cute to resist.

The estate sales this week were fantastic though, these all came from the same sale. The house was so cool too, stained glass windows and built in the 30s. It was clear the people that lived there were world travelers and collectors, they had such cool stuff! 

Can you tell turquoise is one of my favorite colors? These can be found here: candlesticks, paella pan 

I have a serious affection for skeleton keys, I remember going to an estate sale with my mom when I was probably 7 and I picked out a bag of skeleton keys. What was your earliest thrift find? 

Some more fun stuff that I'll be adding to the shop this week.

I just could not resist this awkward lil nugget, that face.. I had to bring him home. 

I arrived an hour early to the final estate sale of the day and luckily this park was a block away, so I got my number and sat down next to the pond for a while. It was quite relaxing.

How did everyone's week go? What was your favorite find? I posed the question a little earlier in the post, but what is your first thrift/ garage sale/ estate sale find? I would love to know.
I'm linking with Melissa's Antiques and Sir Thrift A lot. They have great finds too.


  1. Love the quirky little things you found especially the wooden Japanese figures. The Jadeite Sugar is a true treasure, you lucky girl.

  2. Some great finds! LOVE the pink spotted bowl--I need one of those :) The keys are wonderful. You had a great week--

  3. I love the keys! Lots of great stuffer.

  4. The blue candlestick holders sure are pretty!

  5. Such awesome finds. I am such a sucker for vintage kitchen items! Thanks for sharing at TTF.

    1. Oh me too, vintage kitchen items are my favorite.

